A musical ensemble holding various musical instruments. The group consists of eight individuals posing against a dark, textured background. Each person is holding a musical instrument, including a violin, trumpet, and horn. They are dressed in formal black coats and trousers, with white shirts and neckties. One person is seated on a chair while the rest are standing or sitting on the floor. The lighting in the image is soft yet dramatic, giving the picture an artistic appearance.

Beethoven x 9

Mama I’m Coming Home

Three individuals with bare upper bodies engaged in a close embrace in a dance. They are wearing white trousers. The background is filled with a smoky or cloudy texture with various shades of gray.

Dust to dust

A choir dressed in black robes, standing in front of tall pillars and a colorful church window in the background. The atmosphere is dark and mysterious, and it appears they are located in a cathedral. Fog or smoke is visible at their feet, reinforcing the enigmatic mood in the image.


A couple embraces each other in a dramatic landscape, their faces are veiled, fabric blowing in the wind against a background of mountains and sky.

Vox Humana

Lynx Ensemble

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