Lennart Sjöberg is educated at Gothenburg Academy of Photography (today HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design), and the combination of artistic expression and high technical knowledge has made him widely employed with many different client organisations over the years.
” I think that the spirit of life is an endless source of inspiration. The relationship between people and nature, imagination and reality, good and evil – everywhere there are mysteries and magical moments, many that are just waiting to be visually explored. ”
Lennart Sjöberg

The long-term collaboration with the Gothenburg Opera House has received considerable attention in the media and has been greatly appreciated by the visitors of the opera house and the public.
Sjöberg has produced several exhibitions presenting his photographic art and he has received a number of scholarships, including The City of Gothenburg Culture Scholarship and scholarships from The Swedish Art Council. But also awards like Eurobest outdoor media, Black and White Spider awards, New York Festival Finalist for alternative media, D&AD Awards and Cannes Lion to mention a few.