
The fire





Mama I’m Coming Home

A group of dancers in yellow shirts and dark pants leaning against a sloping surface. They are positioned in various stances, creating an artistic and dynamic visual effect. Their elongated shadows are prominently emerging on the surface, adding a dramatic touch to the composition. The background is dark, which highlights the subjects and their shadows. The lighting is focused on the individuals, emphasizing their clothes and creating distinct shadows.


Dancers in a dramatic and artistic pose, surrounded by smoke. They are in various positions, some appear to be lifted or floating in the air. Their clothing is simple and in neutral colors, which contributes to the image's remote quality. The lighting is evocative and atmospheric, with shadows and highlights emphasizing the individuals' forms and the surrounding smoke. The overall mood in the picture is intense and emotional, conveying a sense of movement and energy.

Dusk to Dawn

Two individuals in a dramatic dance pose surrounded by a cloud of smoke . They are illuminated from the side, casting parts of their bodies in shadow and highlighting their shapes against a dark background. The smoke lends a mysterious and surreal feel to the scene.


GöteborgsOperans Danskompani

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